Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ruth and I met at PDX at about 6:30 AM on 9/20/2011.   We left on time, but on the way to Houston I realized that I had left the battery to my noise blocking earphones plugged in at home.   Oh, well the earphones themselves served the purpose without the battery.   In the airport at Houston I noticed a BEST BUY kiosk selling electronics and accessories, so I bought a set of ear buds.  We got on the plane and the first thing they did was hand out ear buds………..free!   Now I have 2 sets of ear buds and my non-functioning earphones.  Once we got to our London hotel and we were unpacking, I discovered I had packed my Bose ear buds (thinking I had decided to just take the earphones).   Now I have 3 sets of them.    The first day in London we took the Hop On/Hop Off bus so that we could sit and orient ourselves.   They handed us a set of ear buds, so now I have 4 sets.   I guess you can never had too many!